good planets are hard to find

"The earth we abuse and the living things we kill, will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future." -- Marya Mannes

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Climate change is affecting New Brunswick's coast

Environment Canada researchers who have spent the last three years monitoring New Brunswick's eastern coastline have concluded sea water levels are on the rise. The scientists will release a study Tuesday morning in Moncton, explaining how climate change is affecting New Brunswick's coast.

The New Brunswick Sea Level Rise Project got its start after several storm surges hit the New Brunswick shoreline in January 2000. Pounding waves ate away metres of sandy coastline and several communities were flooded.
Residents of communities along the Northumberland coast have been complaining that storm surges are on the rise, and during the past three years, scientists have confirmed that evidence.Project co-ordinator Real Daigle says storms are likely to worsen as sea levels continue to rise.

On Tuesday morning, Daigle will unveil a series of maps showing specific areas where the water level is having an impact. He'll also show detailed images of erosion along the southeastern coast of New Brunswick.
Daigle says the new research will help communities react to changing weather patterns. "We look at adaptation options: what people can do to adapt to sea level rises, and the existing problems that we are seeing right now."


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