good planets are hard to find

"The earth we abuse and the living things we kill, will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future." -- Marya Mannes

Saturday, August 12, 2006

"Save the Planet" is Somewhat Misleading

This came up in conversation recently so I thought I would clarify my perspective of the phrase "Save the Planet".

When some people hear this, they seem to think of the planet itself, the physical planet. But that's not, I believe, the true meaning behind it.

The planet has existed for billions of years and it will continue to exist longer than we will ever know.

The planet has been through a lot, from asteroid collisions to ice ages, the planet has and will go on without humanity. Evidently, humanity depends on the planet, specifically it's chemical and physical composition, in order to survive.

The physical and chemical properties of the planet is what is at stake; that is what we need to 'save' and protect. We are ultimately altering the chemical composition of our atmosphere; you know, the place where weather and climate are produced. We have entered the 'DANGER!' zone and no longer know what to expect from Mother Nature. With the way we've been carelessly carrying on consuming and polluting like everything is a-ok, I can't forsee Mother Nature being anything less than merciless in the years to come.

As depressing a topic this is to some and considering the amount of time I spend thinking, reading and talking about it, I actually find it makes me a happier person and appreciate life that much more. With all the violence and extreme weather happening all over the world, we really don't have too much to complain or worry about...yet.

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Here is an article that I came upon that you should read if you've the time. The 'Declaration of Dependence: A Declaration for Human Survival" written by a man in Colorado who believes our survival is within our own control and is encouraging people to speak out for what they believe in.

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Last Fall there was a special on TBS called "Earth to America". If you click on this link you can watch some short clips from the show, including skits from Blue Man Group, Larry David and Will Ferrell. Totally worth checking out. This is one of my favorite quotes from the show:

"When I circled the moon and looked back at Earth, my outlook on life and my viewpoint of Earth changed. You don't see Las Vegas, Boston or even New York. You don't see boundaries or people. No whites, blacks, French, Greeks, Christians or Jews. The Earth looks completely uninhabited, and you know that on Spaceship Earth, there live over six billion astronauts, all seeking the same things from life.

When viewed in total, Earth is a spaceship just like Apollo. We are all the crew of Spaceship Earth; and just like Apollo, the crew must learn to live and work together. We must learn to manage the resources of this world with new imagination.
The future is up to you."

-Jim Lovell, former NASA astronaut, commander of Apollo 13

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