good planets are hard to find

"The earth we abuse and the living things we kill, will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future." -- Marya Mannes

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Tyranny of Free Trade

If you're interested in learning about the dispicable sell-out to big business that is "free trade", I suggest you read this executive summary and for more info, click on the link at the bottom.

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Wasted Natural Wealth and Lost Livelihoods
Meena Raman, Friends of the Earth Int'l Chair, Malaysia

These are critical times for environmental and social movements around the world. Current and proposed trading arrangements are facilitating daylight robbery, with millions of already impoverished people losing their livelihoods and natural resources in order to enrich the wealthy. Those on the losing end include farmers, fisherfolk, women, indigenous peoples and literally millions of others around the world who depend on environmental resources in order to survive.

Those on the winning end include corporations and those governments that profit from the drive to liberalize markets and privatize natural resources.

Small farmers, particularly in developing countries, are being hurt by inequitable trade rules that allow the dumping of products from rich nations, undercutting the value of their local crops. They are often forced from their land when it is converted to plantations or planted with crops for export.

The effects of climate change and desertification, two of the most serious environmental threats to the planet, will continue to manifest themselves and impact the world's most marginalized people as more trade agreements are cemented.

Friends of the Earth International believes that the days of unfettered free trade – and the environmental and social devastation left in its wake – are drawing to a close. We are proud to be part of local and global movements working to develop fair and sustainable economies.


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